Luckily, I was already signed up for the Women In Analytics 2018 Conference and was about to experiment with that statement myself
I recently volunteered to write a blog post for the DAA’s Women in Analytics Group to talk about what it is like to work as a woman in our industry
One of DAA’s most successful initiatives in the past 18 months has been the ongoing development of the Women in Analytics program. This exclusive member-only program, combines resources, quarterly calls, Thought Leader Conversations, and a mentoring program – all designed to support gender equality in the digital analytics profession. The DAA WiA community is open to ALL members, and provides education, advocacy, and influence in order to increase understanding and activate resolution of issues facing women in analytics
Volunteering with the DAA’s Women in Analytics mentoring program has been an eye-opening experience for me. The DAA states “ The purpose of this program is to assist mentees in improving upon professional skills over time with an end goal of advancing their careers.”
I am very proud to serve the DAA’s Women in Analytics community and greatly admire the contributions the members of this community have made...Key themes that arose (not necessarily in order): "No lifestyle stuff” - loud and clear!
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For the past two years, many of us at DAA have been busy creating the Women in Tech Maturity Model (WiTMM), a gold standard for gender equality for companies in technology. Our goal was to generate an organizational self-assessment that allows organizations to see where they rank in gender equality through topics of parental policies, bias reporting, promotional opportunities, and softer metrics around cultural norms
Last year I had the opportunity to participate in the Women in Analytics Mentoring Pilot and I’ve continued my participation in the program as both a mentee and mentor
4 Comments - Thanks for sharing this, I have recently signed up for this program and your article has motivated me to identify and plan in advance the outcomes I should be expecting so that me and my mentor are clear about the end goals
The answer is a resounding "yes" for Jennifer Veesenmeyer of Merkle, guest speaker at the eMetrics Chicago Women in Analytics lunch. The Women in Analytics Community is open to all DAA members interested in supporting gender equality
eMetrics Summit in New York just had its finale...She delivered her entire presentation on how to empower your life as females in analytics and how to participate as actively in the process as male counterparts.
3 Comments - It was great spending time with you and chatting about life in analytics.
Last year the DAA formed a “Women in Analytics” group. The goal of the group is to build awareness of women working within digital analytics as well as discuss ways to support women within the industry.