Originating Author: Marc Richard Introduction: This recipe shows how to use Google Analytics (GA) Enhanced Ecommerce (EE) to measure job-level activity for your company's Careers Site. Why use the GA EE framework? Careers site users often view more than one job posting and...
Originating Author: Eshwar Gowda, Nabler Introduction: A hero banner serves multiple purposes on a website. The most important one being capturing the userโs attention almost immediately. Therefore, having a high-resolution image along with a clear message and CTA is the best way to...
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Originating Authors Neha Paul, George Varghese, Nabler Introduction In a fast-changing digital environment, more and more content is being made available online. This also means that you as a marketer would be pushing more content on your site to stay ahead of the competition. Be it an e...
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Originating Author: Chris Meares Introduction: Unless you currently live under a rock, you will probably not be shocked by my next statement. Videos on both the web and mobile are performing well. One-third of all activity spent online is spent watching video. So how do you know if...
Originating Author: Caleb Whitmore Introduction: Digital Analytics has evolved far beyond the early days of the web where Pageviews were king. As such, metrics such as "average pages per session" and analysis around them need to evolve. This recipe is for deeper analysis of...
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Originating Author: Andrew Wang Introduction: Embedded videos are now commonplace on websites. However, without accurate collection and analysis of video interaction data, significant insights into user behavior may be missed. This recipe touches on collection and analysis of video...
Originating Author: Jen Lasser Introduction: Determine where the fold is on your browser webpages. Analysis Overview: The fold on a browser webpage is the dividing line between content that is visible upon page load and content that has to be reached through scrolling on the page....
Originating Author: Sushant Ajmani Introduction: How to compare the performance of two different versions of content Analysis Overview: In this recipe, we are going to talk about how to conduct an A/B test in order to compare the performance of two different versions of the...
Originating Author: Adam Greco Introduction: Determine how much of your traffic and KPI's are taking place in the desired country website when looking at the IP-based location. Analysis Overview: If your organization has different websites for each country, it may be...
Originating Author: Adam Greco Introduction: Determine how much of your content is being viewed in the visitor's preferred language. Analysis Overview: If your organization provides website content in multiple languages, it may be interesting to see how often visitors are...