Originating Author: Peter J. Avellino Introduction: Calculating return for a content piece should be done and is relatively easy to do; however most organizations do not take the time to understand if the content created is worth the effort and cost. Here is how you can get started. ...
Originating Author: Bill Tripple Introduction: Scroll tracking is a means to understand how much of the content was viewed in relation to viewable screen size divided by the length of the content (in pixels). This is most commonly reported in increments of 10%(10%, 20%, 30%,...
Originating Author: Caleb Whitmore Introduction: Digital Analytics has evolved far beyond the early days of the web where Pageviews were king. As such, metrics such as "average pages per session" and analysis around them need to evolve. This recipe is for deeper analysis of...
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Originating Author: Adam Greco Introduction: Great way to find out how often your website search tool finds no content! Analysis Overview : The goal of this analysis is to show content owners what people are looking for, but not finding. Analysis...
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