Originating Author: Robert J Moore Introduction: Analyze actions or the behavior of a group of people sharing a common characteristic during a particular time span. Analysis Overview: This Cohort Analysis recipe will walk through the steps on how to pull the raw data, create cohort identifiers, calculate life stages, and create a pivot table and graph. Analysis Benefits: C ohort analysis allows us to identify relationships between the characteristics of a population and that population's behavior
Originating Author: Val Niehaus Introduction: By adding demographic data to your web analytics data, you can quickly assess for opportunities to increase market share within a specific demographic, or identify a new market that you may not have been catering to. Analysis Overview: Enhancing web analytics data with demographic data, even as simple as gender or age, can allow you to measure gains within a specific audience target, optimize the experience for these individuals, and even identify new prospecting opportunities. Analysis Benefits: 1
Originating Author: Adam Greco Introduction: Determine how much of your traffic and KPI's are taking place in the desired country website when looking at the IP-based location. Analysis Overview: If your organization has different websites for each country, it may be interesting to know how often visitors from other countries are accessing the site that is and is not designated for their country