
Give to Get

By Jeff Burkhardt posted 11-17-2020 04:22 PM

The holiday season is fast approaching and unlike any holiday season in memory, we are adjusting to maintain as much normalcy in our lives as possible. Spending time with those important and special to us, especially in business, took on a new meaning in 2020. Something as simple as sitting down and enjoying a cup of coffee with a business partner, like I attempted at five different coffee shops in Philadelphia just last week, can prove itself to be difficult.

So how can we maintain relationships with those we enjoy working, when we are often unable to see them face to face?

Relationship building is a challenge, more than ever, these days. Finding ways to stay visible and add value in business is paramount. Preparing for 2021 is top of mind for business professionals and companies alike. So, let’s consider a simple way to maintain, and even kick-start business relationships, as 2020 comes to a close.

Author Deepak Chopra said, “The easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want.” Curiously, we tend to go into relationship development and building, intent on securing what is important to us, such as adding new customers to our business portfolio, or closing on a big deal. However, while giving something to get something may seem counterintuitive to some, in business and in life, helping others is the key to success.

Focusing on your business and your career, going above and beyond when working with others, is the first step to business growth. The core principle of giving to get starts sometimes with an idea, maybe a unique industry insight, or an article with regards to business, as means to establish or even fortify relationships. Resist asking for anything in return at that moment. You may find you have to give to get a few times to generate desired progress, but you’ll find over time the more you get into the rhythm of offering tangible value, the more satisfying and rewarding it is. When the time is right, those new and reinforced relationships will generate returns. The more value you provide, the more you are worth to others. Indebtedness remains in vogue.

Such an approach is also a wonderful way to build your network. I am always looking to build new relationships, because you never know where that new, or reinforced relationship, may take you. I look at my own business, a business which has been successful and thrived, even during the pandemic, and realize that just about all my business has come from personal and professional connections and referrals. That new conversation online, or over a webinar today, could very well be your next million-dollar customer, or new career opportunity.

And don’t think for a minute that news of your giving to getting doesn’t travel quickly. Your shared knowledge, ideas, articles, and anecdotes can, over time, label you as a Subject Matter Expert in the eyes of those who know you, and what professional wouldn’t want to be considered as an SME in the marketplace? As a technology staffing professional, I can say, without pause, the value of being viewed as a Trusted Advisor and resource has been a most effective means for growing my business. People want to work with others who make them better, who bring them value. It also, as a matter of fact, feels great when others view you in such a manner. And that enthusiasm drives the desire to build even more relationships.

As business professionals, we have an opportunity to harness the creativity our skill sets and talents generate and share it with others. We also have an incredible opportunity to bring great people together and transform business visions into reality.

Giving something to get something is a basic way to develop yourself, develop others, and develop relationships. And what better time then now, during the holiday season, to build and grow your relationships.

Stay safe and enjoy the special times the holidays have to offer.

firstPRO is proud to be the DAAs Career Center Sponsor for 2020-2021. A full-service IT, Accounting & Finance, and Supply Chain staffing and recruiting company, with offices in Philadelphia and Boston, firstPRO supports our clients and candidates alike, by providing exceptional levels of customer service.

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