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Questions from Upcoming Analysts and Digital Professionals

By Feras Alhlou posted 05-04-2017 06:57 PM

Students in a University of Denver analytics course who have been using Google Analytics Breakthrough recently submitted several questions about practical, technical, and future considerations for Google Analytics:

  • What are the most important factors to analyze when time is limited?
  • Are there any features that you feel are missing in Google Analytics?
  • How can I demonstrate the value of digital marketing channels to skeptical managers?
  • How can I attribute conversion on my main site to actions that take place on microsites?
  • Which tools complement Google Analytics?
  • How can you track dark social traffic?
  • In the future, what will we be tracking with Google Analytics?
  • How can we stay ahead of the game?
Listen as coauthors Feras and Eric respond to these wide-ranging and incisive questions from upcoming analysts and digital professionals.

For more on the dark social discussion, see: and


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