Good morning everybody,
Here in London, we were greeted yesterday morning with a little snow as some of us were on our merry way to MeasureCamp London XII. I have presented a session yesterday about a small QA tool I have written. Now, rather than just doing a demo of the tool, I thought it would be more interesting to do a session on the process I went through, the challenges I faced and some of my findings.
You can find my deck on SlideShare here:
Although I will not be sharing the code for the Chrome Extension I ended up with, I have shared an earlier version of that code, on a purely as-is basis, on GitHub. The few bugs I have in that code prompted me to write a Chrome extension with much better results but also more features.
The markdown file for the old code is on GitHub :
My friend Ellie, who was in attendance, has also made a video of the demo part of the session. You can see it :